Spring Reading: The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obreht


Find out more about Tea Obreht and her highly acclaimed debut novel by clicking on the image above.

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2 Responses

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  • Gloria says:

    You are a wonderwoman: you find the time to work and read and exercise! :o)) I bought an ebook in Canada in December and I am still halfway through! LOL
    Do you know the website http://www.lovereading.co.uk/ ? It’s great. They have editors who review books and if you search for an author you like, you find suggestions for other authors you might like. The great thing is that the “match” is made by a human editor and not automatically through tags. Check it out if you have time!

  • LD says:

    It might seem like I read a lot but I don’t watch much t.v. apart from films on the week-ends so with whatever time I have left on week nights, I usually finish a book a week. Work is flexible enough to allow me to fit in what I need when I need it even if I’d rather not exercise! lol
    Thanks for the link though, I’ll check it out.

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